Mineral Quiz app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Alexander Mokrushin
First release : 28 Jan 2011
App size: 17.72 Mb
"Mineral Quiz" is a quiz which invites you to test your knowledge of minerals and geology. It may be used for testing and educational purposes for people well-informed about the nature. Game consists of 50 illustrated questions about different minerals. Each question has 4 possible answers. When you tap one of the answers, the default color of the pressed button is changed for a while to green (when it was the right answer) or to red (wrong answer). You have 3 attempts to give right answer. If you give it at the first attempt you will receive 3 points, at the second attempt - 2 points, at the third - 1 point. After 2 wrong answers the hint with chemical formula of the mineral will be shown to help you. Play the "Mineral Quiz" now to test and improve your knowledge of geology!
Latest reviews of Mineral Quiz app for iPhone and iPad
The photos are not high resolution and somewhat fuzzy on an iphone 4, and theres only 50 photos all in all. It doesnt give you any of the properties of the rocks/minerals it shows you, merely gives you a somewhat grainy at-times photo and 4 guesses. Once you cycle through all 50 photos, you start from the beginning with the exact same photos. There is no option to start again in the middle of the quiz, so you have to cycle through them all to reset. All in all, very disappointing.
This game is awesome!!! I learned a lot from this game even though im only 10.
Its a fun game but it doesnt start over. I played once and I cant play again.